
See What’s Inside LM-X License Manager

Automatic server discovery

Available on some platforms, automatic server discovery allows a client application to find license servers on the network automatically, eliminating the need for end users to enter server information and making it easy for system administrators to move from one license server to another without notifying users.

License your application any way you want

LM-X supports a variety of licensing models, letting you alter licensing policies on a per-customer basis, so you can focus on your customers’ needs. Supported LM-X licensing models include:

  • Network licenses for multiple users sharing licenses
  • Node-locked licenses for single users/machines
  • Trial licenses for letting users evaluate your software before purchase
  • Time-limited licenses for restricting usage periods and for subscription-based licensing models
  • Pay-per-use licensing for back-billing customers based on their actual usage
  • Token-based licensing for bundling products in diverse ways, such as creating license pools and product suites
  • HASP dongles for enforcing superior software protection and flexibility for end users, as well as for licensing virtual machines (dongles may be obtained from X-Formation)
License borrowing and grace licensing

With license borrowing, your users can use a network license even when they’re not connected to the license server; for example, when taking a laptop home for the weekend or traveling off-site.

Grace licenses let your users continue using a network license for a specified period of time when the license server is down, ensuring uninterrupted access to your application so they can complete and save their work.

Your end-to-end licensing solution

LM-X integrates with other X-Formation products to provide a complete end-to-end license management solution. License Activation Center (LAC) delivers centralized software license management for vendors and online license activation for end users. License Statistics monitors, processes and produces reports on software license usage. By combining LM-X with LAC and License Statistics, you can gain complete control over managing your software.

High availability licensing (HAL)

If your users require high availability, you can activate HAL to introduce fault tolerance so that running the application doesn’t depend on a single point of failure.

HAL lets your end users specify backup (redundant) license servers that will continue to enable license hosting in the event that the primary license server goes down.

A cross-platform SDK

You can run LM-X on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and others. Even if you have customers who want to install the LM-X license server on a platform that you don’t have in-house, you can use a license server pre-compiled for that platform.


The pay-per-use feature lets you bill customers for using your software on a per-usage basis. For example, you can supply a customer with an unrestricted usage license that is paid for based on monthly usage.

Your customer simply writes the usage information to a pay-per-use SQLite database each month and sends the database file to you for billing purposes.

System clock check

With LM-X, you can be sure that if clock tampering is detected, the user will be unable to check out the license. This feature helps you prevent potential unauthorized use of your software; for example, when a user attempts to extend the end date of a trial license.

Manual and automatic heartbeats

LM-X lets you use either manual or automatic heartbeats to check the connection to the server, which helps to avoid potential license overuse. If the connection is lost, your application behaves in whatever manner you specify; for example, your software may stop running when the server becomes unavailable.

Easy migration from legacy systems

Transitioning to LM-X from legacy license management systems is straightforward and our customers have found that LM-X is easier to maintain than other license managers. In addition, LM-X includes many features that make LM-X-protected software more attractive to end users, without the enterprise costs. 

Web-based license management

Able to run on any popular browser, the LM-X web-based UI lets your end users effortlessly monitor and manage the LM-X license server by enabling them to:

  • View information and statistics about the license server
  • Restart or shut down the license server
  • View license usage statistics
  • View network statistics