
Say “Hello!” to License Statistics v6.0

It’s here: License Statistics v6.0 has arrived, with a crisp, responsive interface, streamlined navigation, and new features based on your feedback. There is also a new license model designed to give you double the features at the same price. Read on to discover what’s new.

Crisp, Responsive Interface

Meet the new sleek, high-resolution interface with a larger viewing area for exceptional usability. It’s been redesigned to look great and works flawlessly across all devices, including tables and smartphones. The interface makes customizing your view of the data easy and flexible, too. Lay out the panels in the Dashboard exactly as you want to see them by dragging and dropping panels from one location to another.

License Statistics Layout

Data presentation now happens quickly and automatically, with no page reloads and no extra wait times. Navigation has been streamlined as well, with a vertical menu that is collapsible, allowing you to maximize the data viewing area.

You can now read and manipulate grids, charts, and forms with ease thanks to the new layout and improved color scheme.

License Statistics Layout

Faster and Easier to Maintain

License Statistics v6.0 has been rebuilt to be much faster than previous versions. The application is now cached in the browser, using local storage for the fastest response possible. There’s no extra wait time and no page reloads.

It’s easier to administer and maintain, too. The user interface is all generated by the JavaScript framework, eliminating HTML generated by PHP.

We’ve also changed how License Statistics v6.0 handles situations in which its license is exceeded or has expired. Rather than shutting down the application, it continues to run License Statistics v6.0 in read-only mode for user convenience until the license issues have been resolved.

Enhanced Notifications and Status Information

We not only completely redesigned the interface for License Statistics v6.0, we enhanced the notifications you receive about different actions to help you make better decisions about your software assets. You asked for more license server information in the interface, and we built it for you. The new License Detail page gives you even more information on license server status – detailed state information and more complete descriptions of exactly what is happening with your license servers.

New License Model

License Statistics v6.0 brings a new license model that gives you double the features at the same price. With the adjusted license model you’ll have access to all product features. You’ll be able to choose whether you wish to monitor your license servers in real time, or use data imported from report logs.

The upgrade to the new License Statistics v6.0 license model costs nothing and is optional — you can either upgrade or keep your existing licensing.

Please contact our customer support team for any questions regarding the license model revision, or about upgrading to License Statistics v6.0.

Read a full list of release notes to stay on top of all changes introduced with each release.