
Cyber Dyne’s primary choice for software licensing

Established in 2011, Cyber Dyne is a software and engineering company that helps companies assess how to maximize their performance by providing computational intelligence techniques applied in industrial solutions. Cyber Dyne is internationally famous for its open platform–KIMEME–used for multi-objective optimization applied in a number of fields of science, where optimal decisions need to be taken in the presence of trade-offs between two or more conflicting objectives. Cyber Dyne is a unique blend of strong academic background and cutting-edge innovations.

Why LM-X?

Cyber Dyne operates in the CAE market and needed an efficient tool that would fully protect and control their intellectual property. They quickly discovered that this need could be met with LM-X License Manager, which eventually became their primary choice for software licensing. A specific feature that Cyber Dyne particularly appreciated was a pay-per-use licensing model that captures license usage in a pay-per-use database. According to Cyber Dyne, this can be a potential opportunity to explore new business models in the future. Cyber Dyne have also stated they are pleased with LM-X License Manager because of an extremely good trade-off between the product’s price and versatility of features it offers. The overall experience with the product and X-Formation has been described as “really good”.

Take a minute to try the LM-X demo , and get a grip on your software license management.