
What sets License Statistics apart from the competition?

I’ve been receiving lots of great feedback from customers lately. I don’t mean to brag but it feels good to know that they’re using a product that gets the job done and the features that we’ve worked hard on implementing are bringing expected results. And so, I’ve decided to share a few points about our software that customers keep noting as the reasons why they use and value the product, and especially what makes it stand out from the crowd.

Best out of the box experience

Compared to competing products, customers say that License Statistics provides the best out of the box experience, and that applies to the installation as well as the overall use of the product.

Installation is fast and easy. You get 1 installation file and that’s it – there are no additional 3rd party apps or components to install anywhere, at all. I know what you’re thinking now – what about the database – don’t I have to install and configure that too? The answer is no. License Statistics uses an embedded database, so you don’t need to spend a minute on it. Everything simply works out of the box! Unfortunately customers can’t say the same about the competition which requires you to install different modules, components, and clients. In some cases you need to install clients on every single machine where you’re running the monitored applications – sounds like an administrative and maintenance nightmare, if you ask me. All in all, with License Statistics you can be up and running and generate your first report in less than 10 minutes.

License Statistics also provides an out of the box experience with its reporting capabilities. The product comes with a pre-defined set of simple to complex reports, where you can obtain all the specific usage details with a few easy clicks. The simpler reports typically require no more than 2 clicks to get the information you need. Additionally, we’ve left you the option to run your own reports should you find any limitations in the ones already provided.

Accessibility and easy sharing of information

Because License Statistics is web-based it can be accessed by any authorized user from any location. Therefore, sharing license usage information is as easy as sharing a web address – you just copy and send the URL to your colleague. Furthermore, License Statistics has a cross-platform architecture allowing you to access it on any OS with a browser. To sum up, not only is installing License Statistics fast and easy, as mentioned earlier, but also all you really need is 1 installation on 1 machine to monitor your entire enterprise and all your licenses.

Support for 12 license managers

License Statistics currently supports 12 license managers, including: LM-X, FLEXlm, FlexNet, IBM LUM, Sentinel RMS, Reprise License Manager (RLM), and others. There is no other solution on the market that can provide you with such versatility to monitor thousands of different applications. But we’re not stopping just yet, and support for more license managers is just down the road. Do you need a particular license manager supported? Let us know and we’ll be happy to get to work on it.

Real time monitoring and importing report logs

While there are many solutions out there that can monitor license usage in real time, there are only a few that can import report and pay-per-use log files. Going further, there are only 2 products on the market that can import and parse FLEXlm and FlexNet encrypted report logs – that would of course be FlexNet Manager, and now… License Statistics! What this means is that you can extract important usage data from your FlexNet report logs without having to purchase expensive software. For more information on monitoring in real time and importing log files, see our KB article, What is the difference between License Statistics real-time usage and imported usage reporting? If you would like to find out more about our software give us a call or download a free 30-day License Statistics evaluation .